Damper Recipe, Australian Damper Recipes, How do you make Damper Bread, Bush Tucker Food. Gooday!! Captain Kalgan loves Damper.

Damper bread, as it is sometimes called is incorrect as a Damper has no Yeast otherwise it would be a bread. So Damper is like a Bread without Yeast.

Damper Recipe

Australian Damper Recipe

How do you make Damper

What is Damper bread

Sweet Damper Recipe

Campfire Damper (Cooking Methods)

How do you make Damper *****


  1. How do you make Damper

  2. Three and a half cups of self raising flour [250gm]

  3. ¾ teaspoon of salt

  4. ½ teaspoon of cracked pepper

  5. ¾ teaspoon of sugar

  6. ¾ of mixed herbs

  7. ¾ teaspoon of Oregano

  8. ¾ teaspoon of mustard seed

  9. ¾ teaspoon of Sesame seed

  10. One cup of grated fully mature cheese

  11. One teaspoon of olive oil

  12. Mix together whilst day dreaming of the “Ancient Kalgan River”

  13. Add one & a 1/3 rd cups of the soured milk 200cl see secret ingredient for instructions.

  14. Knead together for the same amount of time it took for you to finish the entire Damper on the Kalgan Queen cruise, about five minutes!

  15. Shape into one loaf and place in a preheated oven 160-[400f] or camp oven in the coals

  16. Dream about your Cruise, Wagon ride, for the next 35 to 45 minutes, until the loaf is medium to golden brown, slice butter eat

  17. WARNING serve only with good humour, good friends and fond memories. Sour milk? Yes sour milk, leave some milk in a sealed milk bottle, useing some first helps. Then when the milk starts to sour it is now curds and whey shake the bottle and use. Also very good for Scones, ENJOY!!! For further help try secret ingredients.

Just cruising Captain Kalgan [Jonathan]
And Captain Jack. [Sparrow]

Secret ingredient shortcut

Damper Recipe**

Basic Damper is what we had when travelling with out refrigeration. Ingredients: (Captain Kalgan HOT tip, to make Basic Damper a lot richer check out the secret indgredient button above.)

  • 2 cups of Self-Raising flour

  • ½ Teaspoon of Salt

  • 2 Teaspoons of Sugar

  • ¾ Cup of Water

Add all the dry ingredients together and mix then whisk in the water and kneed by hand. Up to a 100 Kneads. = Knead mixing by hand [Squeezing] If the mixture is sticky add a little more flour, the dough should hold together well without breaking up. Cook in a preheated oven at 160d for 35 to 45 minutes or until Golden Brown. Serve hot with butter. See Campfire Damper for other cooking methods.

Sweet Damper Recipe ****

OK we have a fridge now so enter “Australian Sweet Damper”.


  • 4 cups of self raising flour [400g]

  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon

  • I tablespoon of Brown sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 75 gram Dried Cherries

  • 75gram Raisins

  • 2 tablespoons of butter

  • 200 ml Milk

  • 1 egg

Add all the dry ingredients together in a bowl and mix. In a separate bowl Whip egg into the milk, melt butter and stir into the milk and egg. Slowly whisk liquid into the dry ingredients and then knead by hand. Up to a 100 kneads = Knead mixing by hand [squeezing] If the mixture is sticky add a little more flour, the dough should hold together well without breaking up. Cook in a preheated oven at 160d for 35 to 45 minutes. As all ovens differ look and its ready when golden brown. Serve hot with butter. Add syrup or Jam to taste. See Campfire Damper for other cooking methods.

Campfire Damper Recipe

Campfire Damper

My name is Jonathan better known as Albany Captain Kalgan and I hope you love my Damper Recipes as much as I have over the years in the Bush. But too fully enjoy the Aussie Damper experience there is nothing like cooking on the coals of a Campfire! The best fire to cook on has burnt down to just coals. No big flames. Now these are a few ways you might like to try.

Cooking on a stick

This is good for Basic Damper & Savoury Damper roll the Damper out like a long thin sausage then wrap it round a stick [like a snake up a drainpipe] leave enough stick to hold on to and not burn your hands. Because now you get to sit by the fire and toast it. Good for Kids both young and old.

Australian Damper Recipe

Savoury Damper is great for BBQS and THE Great Outdoors.


  • 2 cups of Self-Raising flour

  • ½ Teaspoon of Salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon Ground Pepper

  • 2 Teaspoons of Sugar

  • 1 teaspoon Olive oil

  • ½ teaspoon mixed herbs

  • ½ teaspoon Sesame seeds

  • ¾ Cup of Beer [Not flat]

Add all the dry ingredients together including olive oil and mix then whisk in the beer and kneed by hand. Up to a 100 Kneads. = Knead mixing by hand [Squeezing]

If the mixture is sticky add a little more flour, the dough should hold together well without breaking up.

Cook in a preheated oven at 160d for 35 to45 minutes or until Golden Brown. Serve hot with butter.

See Campfire Damper for other cooking methods.

Camp Oven

This is a traditional Aussie way to cook it involves a very heavy pot which is all-metal, nothing to burn including the lid. You dig a small hole on the edge of the fire and put hot embers in the bottom, a big shovel full. The Damper which could be Basic Damper, Savoury Damper, Albany Captain Kalgans Famous Damper or Sweet Damper is placed in the camp oven having first brushed lightly the inside with cooking oil. Put the lid on and shovel over the oven more coals. Cooking time depends on how hot your fire is but rule of thumb is about 2/3 as long as in the house oven.

Cooking in alfoil

If you don’t have a camp oven this is a great substitute. Wrap you Damper in foil but use a lot 5 or 6 times round at least fold it round and get out all the air. Shovel a thin layer of coals [embers] to the side of the fire; place the Damper on top and then a few more coals. Just a few. This method takes about ½ the time of a house oven. Cooking on a fire takes a while to get used to so keep trying.

But before you cook all that Damper have a free game of Pacman on us, good luck.

What is Damper bread

Damper was and is a Albany Aussie icon, but it came about because of need.

The need to have a food that would travel without bruising or rotting. If you travelled in Australia [past and present] you must have water, without water you die in a very short time but the Swagman, Stockman or traveller needed something to eat that is quick simple and cheap. Something that would “Dampen their appetite” Hence the name Damper.

So typically a person would carry Water, Flour, Salt, Tea and perhaps sugar. A gun was handy as well! Roo in the stew. Some Aboriginal tribes would gather Bush seeds and nuts that were crushed and cooked on the campfire this is also a Damper. Damper bread, as it is sometimes called is incorrect as a Damper has no Yeast otherwise it would be a bread. So Damper is like a Bread without Yeast.

All about Albany http://www.albany.asn.au

Albany's Riverboat Kalgan Queen Scenic Cruises
45593 South Coast Hw, Kalgan WA 6330
Australia 08 9844 3166